
I lost my camera which kind of puts a damper on things. The only fun you have missed is pee wee jumping everything on a sixteen inch, rabid foxes eating through the trash can, racer pat's triumphant return from knee surgery, and digging something fierce on the new slingshot which is slated for completion sometime around 2012.

Howard came out and took a bunch of cool photos. peep it at getridiculous.blogspot.com
you might have to scroll down some. get howard to take your sister's senior portraits.

In the mean time, i found this video project from a "time based art" class i got suckered into filling my schedule with circa 2005. I got a "D" on it because apparently it wasn't artsy fartsy enough when anyone can see that it represents man's inhumanity towards man (duh). A little over their heads i guess. I wish mat v would come ride. Be sure to stay tuned for the bonus footage. 

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