
bakers acres

 Evan, Mike, Trouble and I gambled on the rain and motored the Buick to baker acres for the weekend. Chopper was kind enough to lend me his camera. Unfortunately I was only able to snap a few picture because we were way too busy cruising down that hill to stop and blog about it. Maybe if we elaborate a little. 

  Trouble dog rolled her face up in the car window on the way home. Those eyes, god damn those eyes.
So we woke up at the trails saturday morning and everyone decides to head down to aunt somebody's house for a dip in the swimming hole. The majority of my time was spent forcing a rather stubborn poop to submission in the outhouse. That's right, a real, hole in the ground outhouse complete with deer antler t.p holder and the whole nine.  

So about the time I am wrapping things up in the outhouse kelly walks up and says " anybody wanna take such and such's car out around the motocross track?" Twenty three years of being kitt west has tempered my patience in situations such as these. Play it cool man, ice cold. No need to get your hopes up. Like calling backseat on purpose. Take your stupid shotgun. Funny thing was that nobody really seemed to be jumping at the opportunity. Everyone just sort of stood there while kelly scanned the crowd for volunteers. So I raised my hand. fuck yeah I want to jump cars with kelly baker. Are these dudes retarded? Eventually two other dudes joined in and we all pile into this late model geo metro with no head lights and a wooden bumper (i got backseat). Kelly had punched a hole in the windshield the night before in a drunken stupor. The second Kelly turned the key it was obvious why only out of towners willingly get into a car with coach baker. We're talking pedal to the metal the whole time. Dude is a regular Bo Duke. We caught backside on the table top several times high enough to clear a recycling bin easy. The picture below was taken as the shocks bottomed out on the way up the face of the jump. The impact ripped the camera out of my hands and into the floorboard where it was to remain for the rest of our hell ride. Sorry chop. The last jump really rang our bells so we put the car back just as the check engine light came on. I am told the owner never had a clue.
Never spilled a drop

Found out that Crandog is an ordained minister? He showed me his little card approved by the big guy and everything. Kelly and Laura had been meaning to renew their vows so we had a little ceremony right there in front of the fire pit with big job and the little bakers as witnesses. It was like the notebook.

Big job estates or the big job taj. Whatever you want to call it.

Bmx lip tat.

Jammer's bike gets crows nested.


Buno tames the serpent beast through a parting sea of thorns. Too much metal. 

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