

We were having problems with the bottom of the roll-in washing out when it rained. All that water hauling ass off such a steep incline will move quite a bit of dirt. It was causing a pretty bad bump that i was sick of fixing.  Aside from the perma-bump, the wood was starting to rot from sitting in moist dirt all the time. So i scored all this free quickcrete and put it to use.   

In china and stuff they use bamboo as re-bar. I chose to use re-bar as re-bar. 

freebee! freebee! freebee! Courtesy of steve d and the Crofton diving corporation. The wheelbarrow to (isn't it weird that it's wheel "barrow" and not wheel "barrel"? I've been saying wheel"barrel" my whole life. In case you were wondering a "barrow" ,according to the Franklin 1450 electronic pocket dictionary, is a large burial mound of earth and stones) 

 After crunching some numbers it was clear that 4 bags was not going to be enough concrete so i had to give in and spend money. If you are ever in the market for some concrete make sure you take advantage of the busted bag discount. Lowes usually has a cart in the middle of the aisle loaded with busted bags of concrete. Just take it up to the front, find the dumbest looking cashier and ask her what she can do for you. But do it all cocky and over the top like "yo babygurl hows about hooking it up?" and then give her one of those long dip kisses like in the movies. You'll get your discount for sure. I got four 80 pound bags of masonry cement for the price of one ($10). Masonry cement is cool because it is only the main concrete ingredient without any sand or aggregate (rocks) added to take up space. So when you buy an 80 pound bag you are getting 80 pounds of the good stuff.  Then you can add as much sand or rock as you want to get more thrash for your cash.  Fortunately, we have access to and endless supply of pristine sand (see below)  so we didn't have to bother tracking any down.   

at this point panic sets in because it is getting dark, i might not have enough concrete which by the way was mixed way too soupy and my lighter ran out of fluid.

finished just as it was getting dark

insert "eye of the tiger" intro now 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Shit son, doin work.