
Been slacking on the blogging tip. No news is good news. We camped at the trails last friday. Eight of us killed a half gallon of evan williams, six twelve packs and a mason jar full of devil's lettuce. Steve vomited fire, but not like "hey check this out, I am going to vomit fire." He just let it rip into the fire pit (the only logical place to puke of course) and i guess all that booze caused a wall of flame that was as much a surprise to him as it was to us. Jay got worked first thing saturday morning. Nose case to Excitebike style vander roll at speed. Not cool. He jacked his shoulder up pretty bad. So if you see Jay give him a pat on the back (preferably not behind the right shoulder). Better days my friend. Here are some pictures, keeping in mind that i never claimed to be Ansel fucking Adams. 

steve "the dragon" dailey

I don't know why everyone's shirts are off in these pictures

 free tuna steaks because sean meeker is down with the boost

veggies. These things were sooooo good.

ski's foot

All that brown stuff on the fire pit is cooked vomit

sean passed out in poison ivy

sean puffy toes

jay is bummed

Then we went to this cool party at pocahontas state park

cabin fever

Then we went to the Torche show in raleigh. Stopped at some cool trails along the way but everything was wet.

i pooped

we left a message for the locals

r.i.p bk lee's downtube

balls refuses to disclose his shoe size


trail snail

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