
operation roller

The idea of adding a roller before the first jump has been bouncing around forever. Most people have to take a crank and nothing harshes the mellow more than taking a crank at the trails. It's kind of a major undertaking because until this thing is done we can't ride anything else. What if it doesn't work? i figure it's winter time man, everything else is fucked up beyond recognition anyways. Now is as good a time as any to build the roller ya feel me? i don't really talk like that. Didn't bother pitching the idea to mat v or anything which is a major breach of the digging system of checks and balances typically considered before a major project like this is approved. I sent him pictures from my phone to which he replied "Siiiick!". So i guess that's a thumbs up? not that it matters because if he would have bitched i might have had to half nelson his ass (mat doesn't check the internet so i can talk all the shit I want.) pussy.

Wouldn't it have been cool if i had taken a "before" picture to compare all the after pictures to? 

Maybe we can improvise a "before" photo. This was supposed to be a picture of Mitch being cute but you can kind of see the area we are working on. Turns out the most logical place for the roller to go lines up perpendicular to the landing of the existing jump across the path. Which is nice because that jump blows. It's awkward feeling and the jamestown style erosion barrier (although really cool looking) is not very case friendly. It was starting to give me grey hairs so we are glad to see it go. 

day one
To save time, we just ripped all the logs down from the jamestown thing and buried them to save dirt. It's a controversial practice. My theory is that logs rot and leave a cavity causing subsidence. The end result is a bump in your lip or landing. They rot faster than you would think. The logs from the jamestown thing were alive less than 9 months ago and by the time we ripped them out you could pinch away chunks of rotten wood with your fingers. On the other hand there is no denying the fact that burying stuff saves saves some digging and it's only a stupid bike track, who gives a shit? get a job punk.  In our history burying stuff has worked well as long as it is covered with at least a foot of dirt. Otherwise the hard clay will flex and crack. Kind of like asphalt. Sure enough, burying those logs came back to bite us in the ass.   

Mitch paw packs phase one.

 day two 

somewhere along the line the jamestown (over the path) double turned into this weird berm/roller contraption. 
i was going to wait until the whole thing was done to post this but i went out of town this weekend so progress kind of stopped. However, we went to asheville and  bombed the coolest mountain road ever to a lucero show. Then while pedaling back up i saw dylan purrington feeble grind a ledge three times in a row at least 35 beers deep. Still got it. Then we met the Get Loose Crew in charlotte where apparently twenty five bucks gets you twice the amount of pot that you get here.
I've put in a few more hours on the roller contraption after work this week, but digging by myself usually ends up on some crazy tangent such as digging a hole around a tree until it falls over.................


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