
easter funday

Me and Steve went to the Waste show in Richmond Saturday night. I got elbowed in the face and didn't get to stick it in her butt . Jay got pulled over in my car going the wrong way down a one way street after like 19 beers and the mother fucker got away with it by saying "can't do it" when the cop asked him to get out of the car. Steve was asleep by midnight clutching a stromboli. Anyways the plan was that steve and i would rush back to suffolk sunday morning in time to attend easter festivities at our respective grandma's houses, but halfway home we decided that it was way too nice a day to sit around and eat green beans so we chilled at the trails all day. 

I didn't take any pictures of us actually digging. There isn't much to see. Just a bunch of dudes standing in a hole. It was too dry to shape or pack anything so we just dumped a bunch of dank clay in front of every lip and landing so we have it at our disposal when it rains. Then its go time 

We convinced tommy barnes to come out by telling him everything was ridable and that he should bring his video camera because it was time to clock some footy. sike nigga. He was a good sport about it though.

Man meal

I'm not a psychiatrist but my behavioral observations of Balls fit all the criteria of pyromania. After everyone left we stayed out until like 9 while balls poked the fire with a stick. Who else can say that they smoked chronic on todd wachoviac's front porch on their birthday? 

check out ball's holmes

So we spent easter sunday at the trails not riding and it still beat the shit out of grandmas house. Thanks for coming out dudes.


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